

Want to create a new business? Got some good ideas and want to side hustle that can eventually create a full-time, sustainable business with employees. At ELSI we can help you with that!


When your business reaches the point for growth and seeks out for additional options to generate more profit. Different forms of business expansion include opening in another location, adding sales employees, increased marketing, adding franchisees, forming an alliance, offering new products or services, entering new markets, merging with or acquiring another business, expanding globally and expanding through


Carinderia is a local eatery selling and serving affordable viands for the masses. It’s also known as a “turo-turo” wherein customers literally point what they want to eat. If your house is located in a busy area or surrounded by a lot of office buildings and schools, then putting up a carinderia business is a wise choice for a startup. You can start your business right in your own home with a small capital investment!

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